Top 10 Restaurant Etiquette Rules That Everyone Should Know

Top 10 Restaurant Proper Etiquette Rules That Everyone Should Know

Top 10 Restaurant Proper Etiquette Rules That Everyone Should Know

Etiquette Rules That Everyone Should Know To Conduct Yourself Beautifully

In fact, the basic rules of etiquette are pretty simple. It’s a culture of speech, common courtesy, neat appearance, and control over your emotions. which every self respecting person must know it.

Unfortunately many people consider respect for the proper rules of  restaurant etiquette as something shameful, considering it a feature of classy aesthetes who are removed from real life.

Basic Restaurant Etiquette Rules


Hold utensils in the correct hands

You may not put much thought into how you cut your food, Hold knives in right hand and forks in left with the tines facing down. Instead of stabbing food, You should balance food on back of your fork, then bring it to your mouth.

How do you hold a fork?

  • Hold your fork in your left hand, tines downward.
  • Hold your knife in your right hand, an inch or two above the plate.
  • Extend your index finger along the top of the blade.
  • Use your fork to spear and lift food to your mouth.

3 Napkin Etiquette

  • At informal meals, place the napkin in your lap immediately upon seating. During formal occasions, before unfolding the napkin, wait for the hostess to remove her napkin from the table and unfold it in her lap.
  • Place the napkin in your lap upon seating.
  • When leaving the table temporarily, put the napkin on your chair.
  • At the meal's end, fold your napkin and place it to the left of your place setting.

4 Handshakes

Have you ever had a handshake that made you think, Yuck! Which must be meant to prove a manly point.

5 Cell Phones

 In a restaurant, cells should be silenced. If you receive an important call, you should excuse yourself and go outside to take the call.
You should not ask a woman out if you intend to make calls or text someone the entire night.

6 Even though most people think sushi must be eaten with chopsticks, men can eat it with the hands.

7 Men may take the coat of the woman and leave it in the cloakroom, but they should never carry her bag.

8 Polite men show great respect to any women. If you apologize and your apology is accepted, make sure you do not repeat the same incident once more.

9 You should keep exactly nine things secret age, religion, medical issues, gifts, family quarrels, wealth, affairs, honor, and disgrace.

10 Fashion is really important, but you should never be the only one to follow the trend, as you may look ridiculous, even though you believe you are fashionable.

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